According to the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), sales of yachts and boats in the United States have not only recovered after the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, but are also breaking records for the past thirteen years.
After the panic around the epidemic subsided, pleasure boats began to sell at a tremendous pace. Compared to last year, sales of new yachts and boats are up 11-15% this year, pontoons by 9% and outboards by 15%.
The collapse in sales was recorded in 2007, when the economic crisis started. Since then, the market has gradually begun to recover, but has not reached the indicators of 2006, when 286,000 vessels were sold. In 2019, 196 thousand yachts were sold. This year, experts expect sales to cross the 200,000 barrier.

According to the NMMA, today the retail sales of motor boats are at a very high level. All market segments have fully recovered from the losses that were associated with the pandemic. The current growth exceeds the forecasts of experts and it is likely that by the end of the year, sales volumes will reach their maximum values for 13 years.
At the same time, it is noted that the market is “moved” not by billionaires, but by middle-class people. According to the association's statistics, more than 60% yacht owners earn no more than $100,000 a year.