Weekends in St. Petersburg were fun for fans of surfing - the city met everyone who is interested in this sport.

About three thousand participants gathered, and it turned out to be a real carnival on the water. The northern capital very much resembled Venice these days, where the canals are rarely empty.

sup festival

Physical exercises began for the athletes on the shore. Pumping up the board on the shore is not so easy. The board weighs about 10 kg, and it is not very easy to launch it into the water, but athletes cope with such tasks without difficulty, especially since exercising in the fresh air is useful, and doctors approve of surfing.

sup festival

According to one of the participants of the festival and part-time doctor Yevgeny Khomenko, the goal of the festival is to show that the coronavirus is almost defeated, although, of course, it’s too early to relax. Many people came to the festival not in medical masks, but in carnival ones. Both amateurs and professionals took part.

sup festival

Another participant noted that the current festival is like a lifestyle for him, because in St. Petersburg there are almost nine kilometers of city landscapes along rivers and canals. SUP surfing came to Russia, having originated in Hawaii. Spectators admiringly admit that the current festival was similar to the carnivals in Rio de Janeiro.

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